
Birth Chart Reading

A birth chart is the map of the sky at the moment of your birth, from the location of your birth. It shows the positions of the planets in the sky and within the zodiac signs when you were born.


Oracle/Tarot Reading

I help you to discover the root of your issues and the best plan of action for your future based on what the spirits provide during your reading. You have the option to discuss specific situations or you can have an open reading where you give the spirits an opportunity to communicate what you need to know.


Bone Reading

I provide you with targeted and straightforward insight. This reading is ideal for when you need to explore a situation before making a big decision, but don't need all the extra details and guidance. It uncovers opportunities and challenges that you may be unaware of or trying to ignore.


Coaching sessions

Pathway to Spiritual Clarity

Start your journey towards inner peace and spiritual clarity with a personalized one-on-one coaching session. In this sacred space, we will explore your unique spiritual path, uncovering deep insights and guiding you towards alignment with your true self. Through gentle guidance and intuitive wisdom, I will support you in overcoming obstacles, fostering spiritual growth, and connecting more deeply with your inner wisdom and purpose.


Chakra Balancing (3-Sessions)

Balance and align your chakras with my specialized 3-session Chakra Balancing service, conducted in-person or virtually via Zoom. This holistic program is designed to harmonize your energy centers, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each session offers guided meditations tailored to focus on specific chakras, helping you achieve a state of inner peace and balance.


Spiritual Awakening (6 Weeks)

This 6-week program is designed to guide you through a structured and comprehensive process of profound self-discovery, spiritual growth, and personal empowerment. Each week, you will participate in a one-on-one session tailored to help you explore and develop various aspects of your spiritual path.
